Inspiring Active Ageing
TAFTA is a registered non-profit organisation (NPO 002093) dedicated to serving the needs of Durban’s elderly residents by inspiring active ageing.
Providing suitable and affordable accommodation for older persons remains our greatest challenge. TAFTA manages 13 well organised and secure residential facilities within the greater Durban area, that cater for the specific needs of the elderly – including 3 frail care units and 4 Assisted Living facilities. Please click here for a full list of accommodation to rent or buy on our Life Rights Scheme.
We also offer a range of support services, such as Meals on Wheels and Home Based Care, to enable older persons to continue living in their own homes.
Seniors’ quality of life is of paramount importance; opportunities for social interaction, entertainment and activities are offered through our clubs and Wellness Centres.
All services are provided either free or at a nominal charge; we rely heavily on contributions from local businesses and individuals to make this possible.
Someday we will be old and may need help ourselves. Please help ensure that TAFTA will be there for you and your loved ones by making your donation online now.

A society that does not value its older people denies its roots and endangers its future. Let us strive to enhance their capacity to support themselves for as long as possible and, when they cannot do so any more, to care for them.
Valuing older people
In a society that worships youth, it’s easy to forget the valuable role older people play in our communities. Many continue to make a meaningful contribution well into their golden years.
Listening to their views and encouraging them to participate in decisions that affect their wellbeing creates a culture of respect. TAFTA promotes the Healthy and Active Ageing principle, encouraging older people to stay informed about issues affecting them, such as health and safety, technology and financial matters. We offer skills training in self defence, fire training, conflict resolution and even organic gardening.
Many of the activities at our Wellness Centres are organised by the members themselves, and opportunities are created for older people to express their opinions, hopes and aspirations.
Operations covers building maintenance and renovations – we have a full time Maintenance Department – social work services and Procurement, which is responsible for negotiating contracts with various outsourced service providers. We also have our own IT Department, which supports staff and strives to improve efficiency via technology.
The Operations Division reaches out to over 5500 older people monthly, through the social workers, as well as our Wellness Centres and various clubs, which jointly boast a membership of over 2000 older people.
Human Resources
Our business is caring for older people and creating awareness of their needs and issues – none of which would be possible without compassionate, dedicated and hardworking staff.
TAFTA employs approx. 330 people – about half of whom are outsourced – ranging from management and professional staff to skilled and semi-skilled workers.
Skills development is encouraged by means of both internal and external training courses, covering subjects such as palliative nursing care, conflict resolution, organisational skills, time management, basic first aid, HIV/AIDS, epilepsy, bereavement & grief, substance abuse, mental health, depression, suicide and the elderly.
We also have in place an employee wellness programme designed to help staff cope emotionally and achieve personal growth and job satisfaction.
Income Development & Public Relations
With operating costs amounting to around R5.4 million per month, the importance of fundraising and awareness programmes cannot be over emphasised. We are truly grateful to our many loyal donors who support our efforts to care for the elderly.
Whether this support is in the form of gifts of cash or donations in kind … participation in our annual Golf Day and other fundraising events … or time given freely by volunteers – each and every contribution makes a difference.
Support services
This division provides support to the core services in the areas of transport, building projects, health & safety, security and Life Rights support.