Council and Management

With over 60 years of reliable and caring service behind us, our Council and Management team is geared to meeting the challenges of an ever changing social and economic environment.

As the responsibility of caring for an ageing population threatens to overwhelm the percentage of economically active South Africans, new and better solutions need to be explored and developed in order to ensure a happy and secure future for older persons in society.



As Chairperson, I am extremely proud of the dedication and hard work demonstrated by the Tafta team, led by its Chief Executive Officer, Mrs Femada Shamam, whose unwavering commitment to the organisation’s purpose has been instrumental in seeing us navigate the road to recovery.

The non-profit sector continues to face challenging socio-economic environments and we have noted the reduction and in some cases the closure of organisations supporting the most vulnerable in our society. Tafta is one of the few organisations which continues to support people who have lower incomes while also having appropriate services and facilities for elders with slightly higher incomes.

Ensuring good governance is one of the main roles of the Tafta Council and it is with gratitude that I acknowledge the people who serve voluntarily on the Tafta Council and give of their time and expertise to ensure that the work we do is meaningful. My gratitude extends to Mr Colin Linnett, the chair of the Investment Sub-Committee, which has the huge task of ensuring that Tafta continues to manage its resources with prudence in what has been a volatile investment climate. The expertise of this sub-committee is crucial in ensuring that the organisation has the resources now and into the future to meet the ever-increasing needs of the
elders in the community and within our facilities.

During the 2022/23 financial year, Tafta’s transformation policy was finalised. We also congratulate the team on the launch of the National Elder Abuse Helpline in November 2022. It is certainly a much-needed service and a step in the right direction for the organisation.

The world is ageing at an amazing rate with the ageing population set to be at 16% by 2050. South Africa is already at 9.2% (amounting to 5.4 million older people). These changing demographics demand us to think differently about ageing and ensure that what we do continues to be relevant. We are guided by the vision of our founding members 65 years ago, mindful of the current changes and excited about the possibilities of the impact we could make.

Through the 65 years, Tafta has cemented its reputation as a credible organisation rooted in its purpose and driven by a set of values which guides every decision and action. There is still much to be done and we appeal to the wider community to make Tafta your expression of humanity. This organisation was founded on the amazing work of volunteers who just wanted to do what they could to support those in need. The humble acts of kindness evolved into an organisation which impacts on thousands. We want to continue with that legacy.

None of our accomplishments would have been possible without the generous support of our valued donors and partners. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to each and every donor, who has believed in our purpose. Your donations have propelled us forward, and seen us reach this momentous milestone.

In conclusion, I again extend my gratitude to the Tafta staff and members; and to the volunteer council members, executive committee and sub-committees for their continued support through the governance, advice and counsel offered.

Warm Regards

Wicus Jacobs
Tafta Council Chairman

Wickus Jacobs

Wicus Jacobs – Chairperson

Tafta Council Members

Mr JJ Jacobs Honorary Chairman
Mrs C Shandu Honorary Vice-Chairman
Mr D Warmback Second Vice-Chairman
Mr C Barford Honorary Treasurer
Mrs A Rampersad Secretary to the Council
Mrs NM Sithole Member
Mrs ZZ Ngcamu Member
Dr MA Jarvis Member
Mr A Trikamjee Member
Mr M Wosiyana Member
Mrs B Bannister Member
Mr S Sarugaser Member

Key staff

Femada Shamam Chief Executive Officer
Nita Sewpersad Chief Financial Officer
Yoshina Kistensamy Divisional Manager: Operations
Marshnee Naidoo Divisional Manager: Human Resources & Admin
Belinda Naidoo Divisional Manager: Support Services
Carmel Murugen Divisional Manager: Research, Strategy and Development
Abel Naicker Area Manager: Operations North
Charnette Fouche Area Manager: Operations North West
Sunitha Naidoo Area Manager: Operations South
Yougendri Moodley Area Manager: Operations Central
Melaine Pillay Senior Social Work Supervisor
Arusha Maharaj Senior Manager: Procurement
Melanie Chetty Senior Manager: Income Development & Public Relations
Pranisha Behari Senior Manager: Human Resources & Administration
Selvie Gopichund Senior Manager: Finance
Ateesha Rampersad Senior Manager: Administration
Vernugopal Gramoney Senior Manager: Support Services
Femada Shamam

Femada Shamam – Chief Executive Officer


Covid-19 gifted society with an opportunity to reflect on what was really important, and at Tafta the message was clear: in all that we do, it’s people who come first. Our elders are our reason for our being, and our staff, volunteers and donors are the heart of this organisation.

We started the year managing the flood crisis. There were many lessons drawn from the experience and the need for a robust disaster management and communication plan became even more evident.

In pivoting between the challenges, the vision of being leaders in innovative solutions for elders, inspiring a life worth living, was actively pursued by every department through the delivery of the strategic objectives of strategy 2025.

On an international lobbying front Tafta was represented at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Rwanda through the
Commonwealth Association for the Ageing.

Mindful of the tough fundraising environment, the new IDPR management team led some creative initiatives in the marketing, public relations, and fundraising arenas. Our social media presence increased substantially; we are now on Tik Tok!

We drew the financial year to a close, appreciative of the blessings of the people who have journeyed with us. The future for
Tafta remains exciting as the possibilities unfold. The responsibility and pace of change lies in our hands. We are the ones we have been waiting for!

Yours in service

Femada Shamam
Chief Executive Officer