Broken your New Year Resolutions already? 12 tips to really improve your life in 2025

There’s something about a new year that inspires us to make lifestyle or work-related changes for the better. This is the year we will lose weight … stop smoking or drinking alcohol … save more money … mend broken relationships … or whatever we feel is necessary to improve our lives.

But within a couple of weeks, we’re back to our bad old habits. Hardly surprising, when we set impossible targets and expect the dawn of a new year to provide the magic wand that turns them into reality.

It’s time to get real. Instead of one giant resolution, work towards improving your life at every level, using small steps to wellness. Here are 12 tips to start you off on the right foot.

1. Create healthier habits

Whether it’s refusing the extra drink or choosing the salad rather than the burger and fries when you eat out, if you keep repeating the process, you’ll find these choices turn into new habits in a remarkably short space of time.

healthy eating

2. Make time for exercise

Even if it’s just a 30-minute walk during your lunch break, or taking the stairs rather than the lift, you’ll notice almost immediately how much fitter and more energised you feel.

3. Reward yourself

When you achieve your goal, celebrate by treating yourself to something special. Lost weight? Buy yourself a new item of clothing to celebrate the new you. Achieved a work-related goal? Celebrate with a relaxing spa treatment or by reading a good book. Choose a reward that fits your financial situation. Even small treats, like a chocolate, can reflect your satisfaction in your accomplishment.

4. Develop a positive outlook

It’s amazing what a difference removing negative thoughts can make, not only to your own life, but to everyone else around you. No one enjoys being around a person who’s always moaning about something. If you struggle to overcome negative thoughts, try keeping a gratitude journal. Write down things you’re grateful for to remind yourself of everything that’s good in your life.

5. Stop worrying about things you can’t change

There are terrible things happening every day all over the world, and it can be really depressing to read about them. But, in most cases there’s absolutely nothing you can do about them. Worry is often called the ‘useless emotion’ because it doesn’t achieve anything. Worrying about something can’t prevent it from happening – it just spoils your enjoyment of the present moment.

6. Focus on the things you can change

You can’t achieve world peace, but you can work on creating peace within your own family or at work. Promote tolerance, empathy and kindness. When you lead by example, others follow. Consider volunteering at a local charity, where you really can make a difference. Not only that – you’ll find the experience enhances your own happiness.

7. Learn something new

Whether it’s a hobby, a skill to improve your career, or a different language that enables you to communicate better with people from other cultures.

new year resolutions

8. Make time for family and friends

Socialising is one of the best antidotes to depression, and is essential for keeping your relationship skills well honed. Instead of spending hours on your phone, watching Tiktok videos or scrolling through social media, practice the art of conversation with those around you. You’ll improve your communication skills and widen your knowledge and viewpoints.

9. Learn how to manage your money

If you’re among the thousands of South Africans who rely on credit to make ends meet, it’s time to take charge of your spending. Take the first steps to reduce debt and start saving instead. Open separate accounts to keep track of finances. Check which banks offer the best interest rates on savings and the lowest transaction rates. Pay credit cards on time to avoid interest charges piling up.

10. Use role models to help you grow and succeed

You don’t need to know these people personally. You can find men and women whose views or accomplishments inspire you via social media channels, Ted Talks, or books. Share your own knowledge with others – you could become a role model yourself!

11. Spend time in nature

Whether you sit on a bench and watch the sea, take a walk in the park, or try one of the trails in our city’s ‘green corridors’, you’ll find time spent in the natural environment both soothes and lifts the spirits. It’s a wonderful antidote to the hustle and bustle of city life, where everyone around you seems to be in a hurry.

12. Don’t take life too seriously

We’re given just a short space of time to enjoy this one life. And there is so much to see and do. Have fun exploring and make 2025 a really happy year.