65 years from now – will your
kindness still touch Tafta elders?

Isn’t it amazing to think that something you do today can continue to impact lives for decades to come, even if you are no longer around to see it?

Like a pebble tossed into a lake, one sentence in your Will naming Tafta as a beneficiary can send ripples of goodwill spreading down through the years, and bring tremendous comfort and relief to countless elderly people in need.

Best of all, making the decision to leave money to Tafta in your Will costs you absolutely nothing. Only when you no longer need it, is the money you’ve accumulated during your lifetime put to good use to help someone else.

Of course, you’ll want to make provision in your Will for your family and other loved ones. Which is why it’s usually better to leave a percentage of your estate (the money and possessions you leave behind when you die) to charity, rather than bequeathing a fixed sum or specific item like real estate, a motor vehicle, jewellery or furniture. In this way you ensure a fair distribution, regardless of whether your estate increases or decreases in value.

Some people believe that they aren’t wealthy enough to leave anything to charity. But if you paid off your home years ago, and have accumulated a house full of furniture and appliances, and/or a motor vehicle, you may be a lot wealthier than you think!