Issues affecting older people
Human Rights and your health
Although the right to health care applies equally to all South Africans, in our unequal society, the reality is very different.
Elder abuse – recognise confusing signs and symptoms
Elder Abuse is everyone’s business. But the signs of elder abuse are not always easy to recognise.
Shameful truth about elder abuse
Elder abuse can take place in the home, at the hands of spouses, adult children and even grandchildren. It also happens in institutions such as hospitals or nursing homes
Funding gap in caring for aged
Only 6% of South Africans can retire completely independently of others. The rest are dependent on a small government Old Age Grant, creating a funding gap for those who need frail care or assisted living services.
Older people and the law
The South African Constitution states that everyone has the right to equality, a safe environment and access to adequate housing, with no unfair discrimination on the basis of age.
Reference materials related to legislation in place to protect the rights of older persons.