Can you imagine reaching the age of 76 – only to find yourself living on the street?


How terrifying it must be to be old and vulnerable, with nowhere safe to lay your head … nowhere to wash … and precious little food.

We always think it will never happen to us. But Mr M’s story proves that it can. He never married. And although he fathered a son, he had no contact with the boy until a few years ago. He was staying with ‘friends’ who exploited him and stole his pension.

From there it was just one small step to finding himself homeless.

And, even though he’s mentally confused and struggles to remember things, Mr M can still feel. Frightened … ashamed … helpless … and terribly alone.

His estranged son tried to help. Now grown up and married, with children of his own, he made room for his dad in their tiny, overcrowded home. But the old man wandered off . . . only to be found begging for food on a street corner! They fetched him back. But a few weeks later, the same thing happened again.

Mr M needs structured care, supervision and protection. None of which his son, who is struggling financially, can afford to provide.

Nursing care Thank goodness there are ‘guardian angels’ among us. People just like you, who are willing to watch over and protect vulnerable elders, by contributing towards the cost of their care.

With the help of these guardian angels, we were able to place Mr M at John Dunn House. He’ll have a safe and comfortable home here for the rest of his life.

But sadly, he is just one of many elderly people in need. And, even though the government Old Age Grant has been increased to R1 980, it doesn’t come anywhere close to the actual cost of providing 24-hour nursing care, food, a bed with freshly laundered linen, companionship and occupational therapy.

And that’s why we need your support. Please consider joining this special group of ‘angels’ by making your donation online now.

Who would want to live in a society where old people are cast aside and end up living on our city’s streets? Your donation, made online right now, ensures that destitute elders get the love and care they deserve.