Tag: tafta

Nobody's Dad. Nobody's Oupa. Who will make sure Hennie is cared for and protected in his old age?

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Tafta logoOver the age of 60? Tafta is here for you.

A registered non-profit organisation (NPO 002093) and public benefit organisation (PBO), we offer a wealth of helpful information, advice and practical support to help you make the most of your golden years.

Latest News

Funding gap in caring for aged

Only 6% of South Africans can retire completely independently of others. The rest are dependent on a small government Old Age Grant, creating a funding gap for those who need frail care or assisted living services.

Community Support

Rescue elders from toxic environments

The strain of living in a toxic environment was taking its toll. Mrs M was desperately unhappy; life just wasn’t worth living. The thought of possibly having to endure years and years of emotional abuse filled her with despair.

Rights of older people

Future care of older persons

Growing demand, coupled with funding shortfalls and ineffective public services are impacting the future care of older persons.

Active Ageing

9 top sports for seniors

Remaining active into your 70s and 80s brings a multitude of benefits. Apart from being good for your heart, regular exercise helps maintain muscle strength and flexibility, increases mobility, and reduces the likelihood of falls and other injuries.

Covid-19 Updates

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Tafta logo

If you are over the age of 60, Tafta is here for you.

A registered non-profit organisation (NPO 002093) and public benefit organisation (PBO), we offer a wealth of helpful information, advice and practical support to help you make the most of your golden years.

Join our mailing list

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Zero tolerance policy

We promote values of: Trust, Accountability, Transparency, Care, Respect, Integrity, Purpose, Service, Compassion, Environment.

We encourage all stakeholders in the spirit of these Values to support our Purpose: ‘To make dignity, growth and meaningful life a realistic prospect for all elders.’

These values are promoted through our work daily with our beneficiaries, stakeholders and general public and carried through to our messaging and advertising on print, broadcast, electronic and social media platforms.  As such, The Association for the Aged, has a zero tolerance policy for any vulgar or rude, threatening, abusive, discriminatory, cyber bullying or harassing comments on all our platforms.

Any comments identified as such will be removed from our platforms. Should the perpetrator persist, he or she will be blocked and reported.

For enquiries or reporting please contact us on 0313323721 or email info@tafta.org.za