Latest News
Tafta marks 67 years of service with a meaningful call to action
This year, Tafta celebrates 67 years of providing affordable care and support to older people in our community. Drawing inspiration from Nelson Mandela’s 67 years spent in service to others, we are urging South Africans to give back to the elders who shaped our world.
Golf Day 2025 Fundraiser
Get ready for a fun-filled day on the greens, where you can spend the day networking and promoting your brand – all for a good cause. Our annual Golf Day raises funds toward Tafta’s Meal Delivery Service for elders in need.
Shock and outrage following rape and murder of 85-year old grandmother
85-year old Lenziwe Mazibuko has become the latest victim of elder abuse, after her half naked, lifeless body was discovered in her home at Loskop near Estcourt on Monday 10 February.
Christmas joy – thanks to you
Thank you for a joyous end to 2024 With your help, we served almost 1 500 Durban elders with a magnificent Christmas meal over the festive season at our various residences and wellness centres. Support from the people of Durban was overwhelming; we really cannot thank...
Over 3 000 people assisted through Tafta’s Toll-Free National Elder Abuse Helpline
Since the launch of our toll-free elder abuse helpline, we’ve fielded 3 184 calls, mostly from older women. Conversely, the majority of abusers were male.
Groundbreaking report on dementia at CHOGM 2024 in Samoa
Commonage tasked an international 6-person delegation to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Apia, Samoa from 21 to 26 October 2024.
Happy Hearts Club crowned victors at Tafta Sports Day
Happy Hearts Club were crowned victors at Tafta Sports Day on 7 October 2024 at the Curries Fountain Sports Development Centre in Greyville, Durban.
Tafta AGM provides an opportunity to celebrate our achievements
A number of council members, residents and guests attended our AGM, which took place on Thursday 19 September at the Anna Conradie Wellness Centre at Tafta Lodge.
Tafta Council Vice Chair ‘runs’ 31 km on 31 December
Tafta recently accept a ceremonial cheque, representing funds raised during the 31 kilometres on 31st December Fun Run, hosted by Charmain Shandu.
Golf Day – a wonderful time of camraderie and caring for elders in need
Tafta’s annual golf day in aid of our Meal Delivery Service for elders took place on 31 May 2024 at the Mount Edgecombe Country Club.
Tafta to host a FullBright Specialist Programme
We are delighted to have a FullBright Scholar, Dr Renu Varughese, joining us from the USA for a Train the Trainer Programme on Elder Care.
Tee off at Tafta’s Golf Day Fundraiser
Tee off at Tafta's Golf Day Fundraiser Following a successful resurgence of our annual Corporate Golf Day last year, we are once again calling on corporates and teams of individuals to support this event in aid of Tafta’s Meal Delivery Service. With an ageing global...
Conversation Cards break communication barriers
Tafta Conversation cards have been introduced as a lighthearted and insightful exercise that helps younger generations engage with elders around them, enjoy meaningful conversations and catch a glimpse of the world through their eyes.
Saying it with flowers on Valentine’s Day
On Valentine’s Day, Kay Govender spread a little love at John Conradie House and Langeler Towers by offering a “Buy me a rose” service.
Intergenerational communication is key
This February, Tafta encourages supporters to embrace the month of love (and beyond) by showing care and appreciation to those who first loved us … our parents, grandparents and guardians who raised us, who are now the older generation.
Tafta CEO elected Vice Chair of CommonAge
Huge congratulations to Tafta CEO, Femada Shamam, on her election as Vice Chair for the CommonAge Board of Directors
Tafta Golf Day
Calling all golfers – join us at Mount Edgecombe Country Club on Friday 31 May 2024 for a swinging day of golf, friendly rivalry and networking opportunities … all for a good cause.
Thanks for giving festive joy
Thanks to friends like you, Durban’s elders were able to share good times over the festive season … a delicious traditional meal in pleasant company, cheerful chatter, laughter, music and dancing.
Making people happy is the most wonderful feeling
Making people happy is the most wonderful feeling These pictures show you – far better than mere words ever could – just what your Christmas lunch sponsorship means to Durban's elders. Thanks to generous support from people like you, we were able to 'treat'...
The gift that keeps on giving
The gift that keeps on giving We are so grateful to Pick n Pay, which nominated Tafta as one of the beneficiary organisations of their new outreach initiative. The retail giant donated gift cards that will be topped up monthly throughout the year ahead to purchase...
Sapphire Soiree a spectacular success
In celebration of 65 years of advocating for and responding to the needs of older people Tafta hosted a Spectacular Sapphire Soirée at the Durban Jewish Club on Friday 27 October.
High 5s all round at Tafta’s Senior Sports Day
On 4 October, Tafta hosted the annual combined sports day at the Addington Primary School grounds at South Beach.
Our CEO, Femada Shamam, is attending the 2023 Global Ageing Conference
Here’s wishing our CEO, Femada Shamam, all the best as she attends the 2023 Global Ageing Conference being held in Glasgow, Scotland!
Jane Linley-Thomas behind Spectacular Sapphire Soirée
In collaboration with Jane Linley-Thomas (Radio DJ and Founder of the ReJoyce Collection), Tafta will host a Gala Dinner come Fashion Show on 27 October 2023 at the Durban Jewish Club.
Thanks for your Mandela Day support
In celebration of Mandela Month, Tafta spent July encouraging both supporters and beneficiaries to adopt the theme, “It is in your hands” in an effort to connect those in need with those who can help.
Thank you for the gift of food – your donation to Tafta’s Meal Delivery Service
Sincere thanks to our generous supporters who rallied round to help keep our meal delivery service on track.
Mandela Day – spend your 67 minutes with us, bringing joy to older people
With 12 homes and wellness centres to support, you’ll find just the right activity to make your Mandela Day special … and continue the tradition of serving those in need in our community.
65 years from now – will your kindness still touch Tafta elders?
Like a pebble tossed into a lake, one sentence in your Will naming Tafta as a beneficiary can send ripples of goodwill spreading down through the years, and bring tremendous comfort and relief to countless elderly people in need.
Important information for donors requiring tax certificates
As from the beginning of the 2023/24 tax year, SARS requires additional information to be included on all Section 18A Tax Certificates issued in respect of donations made to public beneficiary and non-profit organisations.
‘Running Ron’ raises funds for Tafta
For ‘Running Ron’, as he is known, finishing The Ultimate Human Race was more than a personal achievement … it was about helping others along the way.
National Toll-free Elder Abuse Helpline highlights the suffering of elders
Our focus during June was on promoting our National Toll-Free Elder Abuse Helpline, which launched in November last year.
The power of pet therapy
The best therapist has fur, four legs and a tail! Angels with Paws offered an opportunity to enjoy the friendly, accepting companionship that only a dog can provide.
Spoiling the ‘moms’ at Tafta – because they deserve it
Mother’s Day on 13 May was an opportunity to honour all the moms who now live at Tafta.
Wear turquoise on 15 June – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is commemorated annually on 15 June. Show your support by wearing something turquoise and sharing information about Tafta’s National Toll-free Helpline.
Tafta’s Annual Golf Day a swinging success
The winning team from Castle Sea, Sherwyn Ramnarain, Benjamin Ramnarain, Preggie Williams and Roy Peters Tafta Golf Day, a swinging success Friday, 26 May 2023 saw the return of our annual Corporate Golf Day fundraiser at the Mount Edgecombe Country Club. It...
New Section 18A requirements – know the facts
As from 1 March 2023, new Section 18A requirements must be adhered to in order to claim donations rebates from SARS.
Support ‘Running Ron’s’ Comrades fundraiser for Tafta
For avid runner and Tafta champion, Ronald Smith (AKA The Running Ron), completing the Comrades Marathon is not just about crossing the finishing line, but about helping as many people as you can along the way.
Work for us – current vacancies at Tafta
Current job vacancies at Tafta, for those wishing to work in the field of elder care. Please check back regularly for new vacancies.
Are you ready for Tafta’s Cash Ring Rush live fundraiser?
Save the date now! Our live Fundraiser is happening on Facebook on 24 February, starting at 10h00 sharp, with celebrity guests.
Tree planting ceremony at Tafta symbolises growth and love
Planting new life into the earth, signifies the continuing growth of our organisation, as well as our commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly operations.
Message from the CEO – Femada Shamam
Elder abuse is one of those shameful things that no one wants to talk about. I am hopeful that our new national toll-free Elder Abuse Helpline will result in more cases being exposed
Elders give back with these delightful knitted toys for kids
These hand-knitted and crocheted toys, made with love by our grannies (and some grandpas), were sent off to Addington Children’s Hospital just before Christmas.
Live your best life right here in one of our Tafta buildings
If you or a loved one is looking for safe, affordable retirement living, Tafta currently has availability in several purpose designed buildings.
Tafta’s 65th Anniversary reflections
As we celebrate the milestone of our 65th Anniversary, we reflect on some of the highlights of the past five years.
Happy 100th birthday, to Elsbeth ‘Betty’ Lombard
On Tuesday, 17 January 2023 we held a special 100th birthday party for Tafta resident, Mrs Elsbeth ‘Betty’ Lombard at Cambridge Gardens.
Christmas lunches bring joy and laughter
Thanks to the generous support of our Durban community, Tafta’s Christmas lunches brought joy to elderly people all through the festive season.
Tafta launches toll free National Elder Abuse Helpline
Pictured above from left to right Tafta Chairman, Wicus Jacobs, Krish Shunmugam from the Dept of Social Development and Tafta CEO, Femada Shamam, unveil the helpline promotional banners at the launch. Tafta launches toll free National Elder Abuse Helpline On 23...
Elders take active ageing to the next level at Tafta Sports Day
In commemoration of the Week of Older Persons, our annual Sports Day took place at the Anna Conradie Centre on Thursday, 6 October 2022.
Tafta commemorates UN International Day of Older Persons
This year’s umbrella theme for the United Nations’ International Day of Older Persons is the Resilience of Older Persons in a Changing World.
Transcript of Tafta CEO’s presentation at UJ IPATC Conference
At the UJ IPATC Conference, Tafta CEO, Femada Shamam, presented on the financial needs of older people, especially women, and their lack of access to financial products.
Elders encouraged to embrace entrepreneurship
Pictured above from left to right: Savvy Naidoo, Sandra Jones and Mary Meville at the launch of the pilot programme. Elders encouraged to embrace entrepreneurship In collaboration with the Global Institute for Experienced Entrepreneurship (GIEE), Tafta recently...
Life changes for the good – thanks to Meals on Wheels and you!
Both Mrs C and son are doing so much better now and are extremely grateful for their nutritious meals. We’re also providing Home Based Care to help with cleaning and laundry.
Honouring our Carers on Women’s Day
While our carers receive specialised training, a good caregiver has qualities that cannot be taught. Top of the list is empathy and compassion for others, coupled with a helpful nature.
Downsizing? Come home to Tafta, where there’s an option just right for you
If you’re over the age of 60, why not consider moving to a new home with us? We have a number of comfortable, convenient and affordable apartments for rent
Tafta launches Elder Abuse Awareness Campaign
Tafta launches campaign to commemorate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day We invite you to support our awareness campaign to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. This takes place every year on 15 June. During the campaign, we'll be reaching out to local schools and...
Tafta elders celebrate 90th birthdays with Chateau Gateaux and Darren Maule
Grateful thanks to Tafta’s long time friend, Darren Maule, and Durban’s favourite cake brand, Chateau Gateaux, for helping us host the party of the year.
Go turquoise for the elderly to help raise awareness
Go turquoise for the elderly Go turquoise for the elderly is a month-long campaign to create awareness around elders in communities, especially those not accommodated by elder care facilities. To commemorate the start of this campaign on 15 May, elders from Anna...
KwaZulu-Natal Flood Disaster update
Following the flood disaster in KZN, we face ongoing challenges with disruptions in electricity and water supplies, many left homeless and over 440 lives lost!
Enjoying a life worth living – elders visit uShaka Beach
JCH residents visit uShaka beach and dip their toes into the waves – part of Tafta’s commitment to ensuring elders enjoy a life worth living.
State of Disaster ends – life gets back to normal at Tafta
Following President Cyril Ramaphosa’s lifting of the State of Disaster on 4 April 2022, restrictions have been repealed at Tafta with immediate effect.